Saturday, October 16, 2010


This movie was...bizarre. I did NOT need to see some old post-menopause women show off her boobs. THAT was disgusting.

So, the deal with this movie is that the woman, Madeline, who's like a total MILF starts having weird chest pains while she's pregnant then her husband, Michael, rushes her to the hospital (she HATES hospitals and she's a complete health freak with like food and stuff) and they have some serious malpractice crap going on. But the midwife shows up, Patricia, and I swear she has some kinda lesbo crush on Madeline.

Anyways, Patricia pitches a bitch fit at the doctors, then everything is fine and Madeline and Michael are on the way home, when some asshole cut them off on the road and the airbag had a delayed reaction so about 5 minutes afterwards everything was fine again but the airbag deployed in Michael's face when he was driving. So he swerved off the road and hit a tree. He died, but Madeline, from the looks of it, had like a placental eruption (they didn't say what happened) and was bleeding ALOT. And she's anemic.

So, some guy found them and called Patricia and Madeline got taken care of, but the baby, Grace, was stillborn. But Madeline was gonna nurse her and Patricia told her she can't will a baby back to life. But like the second she said that, Grace was alive and healthy and crap.

But it gets weird because eventually every time Madeline tried to feed Grace, Grace would go until she drew blood and that seems REALLY painful...but like the baby would only drink blood and her mom's was the only one she could live on cuz everything else made her start puking and falling apart and junk.

But Grace kinda falls apart anyway....her hair started falling out and she had this rash and smelled like she needed to be changed but she was clean, and she bled in the bath from the rash.

Well, Patricia's assisstant wouldn't let her talk to Patricia and kept making excuses and crap why she couldn't and told Patricia it was someone else on the phone. I think she was jealous...anyway the old woman (she's not OLD old but she was Michael's mom) had the doctor go to Madeline's house cuz she thought that there was something mentally wrong with Madeline.

Then Madeline killed him and used his blood to feed her baby. And the old woman showed up (her name is Vivian by the way) because the doctor wouldn't answer his phone and she finds his dead body in the bathroom and crap then she tried to kill Madeline but Madeline got HER and then Patricia showed up and got Grace and Madeline, took care of Madeline so that she wasn't hurt anymore, and they left in a trailer home.

The whole movie is given away by the preview.

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