Thursday, October 7, 2010

Candyman (post 2) **Spoiler alert**

So, I'm most of the way through this movie now...The guy playing the actual Candyman...usually the slasher guys are deranged white people with like...some kind of facial deformity or something. This guy is black. With a low whispery voice. And he's not intimidating. He's on the next "scary" level up from Chuckie. The kinda "scary" that makes you giggle.

I am NOT racist. I make occasional mildly racist JOKES but they aren't to be taken seriously. I love my black and Asian friends. My Youth Pastor is Asian :)

HOLY CRAP!! THIS CHICK'S HUSBAND WAS CHEATING!! Spoiler alert. Her husband is a college professor. He's cheating on his gorgeous wife who's gotta be in her late 20s with some 19-year-old bimbo who's a student of his.

I'm not gonna give away the whole movie or the end of it. But I am giving away that much.

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