Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Child's Play 3

Okay, this is starting to get redundant as hell, but I'm still hangin' in there for you guys. Appreciate me, bitches!!

Here's what I thought:

  1. Andy got really sexy
  2. He kinda looked like a lesbian
  3. The red team was full of dipshits
  4. The asshole who's name I can't remember was an asshole
  5. The hairdresser guy was a pedophile
  6. Andy whoopin' Chuckie's ass was hilarious
  7. Chuckie either needs to die or he needs to find a f***in' body
  8. The whole movie was way too predictable
  9. It was the same as the last two movies
  10. WHY the f*** was Andy in Military School?!

And that's what I thought about the movie.

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