Monday, November 1, 2010

The Invention of Lying

Oh, my gosh you guys I'm watching the Invention of Lying this is like a cross between stupid and funny as crap.

10 things I like about this movie:
  1. LOOK AT THAT UNUSUAL THING!! -everyone turns to look-
  2. Jonah Hill's character makes me wanna jump in the movie and hug him because he makes me wanna cry...
  3. For some reason, him lying is actually helpful to everyone because it makes them all feel better...
  4. His lies are friggen hilarious and soo obvious and everyone believes him
  5. He tells his mom about heaven when she's dying and he starts to cry and now I'm gonna cry....
  6. Everyone in the hospital wants to hear about heaven when he starts to tell her...
  7. Heaven made everybody happy
  8. The dude wrote the 10 commandments on Pizza Hut boxes bahaha
  9. His 10 commandments are funny
  10. It makes me wanna go to people who don't know about God and be a witness and give my testimony and teach them about God and I think it's intended to give an Atheistic perspective, but it just makes me feel more like I need to do world missions. Like a calling.
10 things I hate about this movie:
  1. They're unrealistically naive
  2. They're really harsh...
  3. The movie implies that Christianity and heaven is a lie
  4. Lies do NOT make life better. In reality, it always makes things worse
  5. They're really judgemental and it makes me sad
  6. A cocky, horrible man is treating a lovely, beautiful woman like crap and it makes me mad because it reminds me of my parents...
  7. These people are very shallow...
  8. Lying always makes everyone sad
  9. I absolutely HATE lying and being lied to. It's not necessary in most cases.
  10. Everyone wants to waste their lives
My thoughts on the ending:

Cheesey but sweet.

Overall, I liked it more than I had expected to.

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